Click on the image to hear Sarah’s hour and fifteen minute interview about living in Los Angeles, finding her voice, and persisting in the entertainment industry on the Hollywood Hustle Podcast!
- Sarah discusses one of her childhood favorite films: A League of Their Own on The Review Review podcast!
- Read Sarah’s guest post about her writing successes on Stage 32
- Listen to Sarah’s interview on the Aggressive Optimism Podcast, where she discusses having a focus and integrating volunteering into her life.
- Check out more about Sarah’s journey – featured in VoyageLA!
- Don’t Silence Me, a music video Sarah acted in, was featured on CBS News where they interviewed star Mhairi Morrison and actor/activist Lili Bernard about the project – the video has over 136,000 views.
- Read this in-depth interview with Sarah on Medium, where she discusses causes close to her heart, what she’s learned as an actor and writer, and the people who have helped her along the way.
- Writer’s Group Therapy Podcast Interview
- Cast Your Choreographer – Sarah J. Eagen in No Film School’s article 6 Steps to Conducting a Low-Budget Musical
Ms in the Biz
Sarah’s articles about breaking into writing for TV:
- Interview with Arrow showrunner Beth Schwartz – Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
- Interview with Showrunners Sarah Fain & Liz Craft- Part 1, Part 2, & Part 3
- Don’t Know How to Get Started? Write a Spec!
- Resources for New TV Writers: Twitter
- Resources for New TV Writers: Podcasts
- Interview with showrunner Erin Cardillo – Part 1, Part 2
- Gift Guide for the Screenwriter in Your Life
Things That Inspire Me

Happier in Hollywood
This podcast from TV writing partners Sarah Fain and Liz Craft is a fun and frothy look into both a writing career and life in Los Angeles in general. Follow along as they experience the highs and lows of writing for television!

Hollywood Heart
Hollywood Heart provides arts education to underserved youth in the Los Angeles area, as well as hosting a yearly week-long arts camp for youth affected by HIV/AIDS. I have been volunteering for Hollywood Heart since 2016, and I believe strongly in their message that arts education should be available to everyone.

Off Camera with Sam Jones
Incredible industry interviews with some of today’s biggest names! Great insights into how they got started in the industry, what has kept them on their journey, and more. So great!

Big Magic
This phenomenal book by Elizabeth Gilbert challenges you to own your creativity, treat inspiration with respect, give yourself the gift of disciplined pursuit of the thing you love, and more. A truly inspiring read!

The Actor’s Life: A Survival Guide
This latest book from actor Jenna Fischer is funny, intriguing, inspiring, and incredibly insightful! Useful for anyone in the business – OR for anyone trying to understand what their actor/writer/director friends go through trying to break in.

An entertaining and informative podcast from screenwriters John August (Big Fish, Charlie’s Angels) and Craig Mazin(Identity Theft, The Hangover II) where they discuss all things screenwriting-related. A great listen!

The War of Art
This short little gem by Steven Pressfield is an engaging book that explores overcoming the enemy of creation: Resistance.

Audrey Helps Actors
A hugely informative podcast that explores the business parts of acting that are rarely talked about. From how to know if you should quit, to when to get a stylist or publicist, information if you’re considering different markets, and more, this humors podcast from Audrey Moore is an actor must-listen!